Today we are releasing a StarCraft gameplay resource, the Dominion Intel Briefing!
This bonus StarCraft resource reveals the bonus content that patreon subscribers have benefited from for the past year. Within is additional content for terrans, protoss, and zerg. Some of this content may eventually appear in later supplements as-of-yet unreleased for the StarCraft RPG.
If you like what you see here, please sign up on our patreon at https://www.patreon.com/leovauntgamedesign. By standing at the 10$ backer level, you will regularly receive content every month to enhance your experience with Leovaunt Game Design. If you can’t support us, no problem. Everyone will gain access to 12 months’ worth of content for free at the end of every year.
This supplement includes the content for every race.
-New terran specializations, advanced specialization, and talents for new character builds, such as the UED Medic, the Hellbringer, the Highwayman, and the Assault Trooper. Also featuring new weapons, upgrades, and premade vehicles and NPCs related to these builds.
-Introducing protoss Renown classes, allowing protoss characters to further specialize in their chosen forms of combat. Renown classes are for mid-high level protoss characters. The Renown classes that are covered are the Avenger, Blade Dancer, Master Phase Smith, and Signifier. Example characters with these classes is included in the game as NPCs to introduce in your games.
-Ten new zerg strains to battle in your campaigns, including favorites from the Left 2 Die and Dead of Night missions in StarCraft.
This isn’t all the bonus content getting unveiled this month. Still coming we have the beginnings of the Paragons of the Galaxy resource, as well as the first second edition adventure, the Raid on Installation Delta-Rose. Both projects were first introduced in our patreon bonus content.