Today we are releasing a new content expansion for the StarCraft Roleplaying game: Reclamation of Aiur. This is an expanded player content supplement for StarCraft, focused on protoss characters. It is the second in the series that started with Reloaded and Ready last year. The content of this supplement includes: -New backgrounds for protoss characters, changing your playstyle, a gaining extra customization options for protoss characters based on origin
-The new Challenger base protoss class, the first full protoss class added after the original release of the protoss
-The Xeno Handler renown specialization, where you play a protoss with an animal companion that helps you in battle!
-New currency and reward system. Collect khaydarin shards and use them to buy expendable gear, commodities, xel'naga artifacts, or donate them to increase your honor!
-New gear items and tons of new unique items to add to your games
-Rules on a Reclamation of Aiur style campaign: a campaign focused on a reputation based reward system as you gain powerful benefits for helping protect and secure Aiur after the End War. Build your esteem amongst your people to be given unique weapons, vehicles, territories, and even capital ships! Please keep in mind this is not an adventure module, but a campaign reward system!
See the new addition at the bottom of the StarCraft RPG page.